Address Format
Please upload your guests addresses as a Word or Pages document in the one-column template. You can get the template in our Resource section on our website, under Guest Addressing. (We can not accept Excel files)
You do not need to number them, and make sure all punctuation and capitalization is correct.
Please email only one list (multiple files or lists can not be submitted).
Please put all international addresses at the end of the list. (Domestic, or U.S. addresses should be listed first).
A proof of the addresses in the layout will be emailed to you for approval before printing. Once your addresses have been approved for printing, or sent to the printer, no more addresses can be added or changed.
Your list should be provided prior to finalizing your order, as they need to be approved before we can send your order to print. Address proofs can take 2-3 days. All addressed and blank invitations/save the dates will be sent to you for mailing unless you are using our mailing service.
Please proof and double-check your addresses before sending, as uploading your in the incorrect format, or with many errors will delay the production of your order.
You can download the template for your addresses here: