Welcome to Serendipity Beyond Design! 
My name is Ginger Finley, and I am the owner of SBD and have been for 16 years.
I love my job, and I feel so thankful to be a part of so many special, significant events in my clients lives. 

I want to walk you through a β€œDay in the Life” as a small business owner. 

I am an early bird and up by 6 am! I love to be up before the sun shines – I am OCD (bed has to be made, house tidied up, shower and make up and some sort of athleisure). 

Next, I make my coveted iced coffee (at home coffee has been the best since discovering Prymal creamer). I will never go back to regular creamers, be sure to check them out!!

Then, I walk our pup, Mavis. I am a proud Westie Mom! (photo credit: pets by Christina)

Typically, I am downstairs in the studio checking emails and planning the day by 7:30am

Some days, I may print all morning, or I might do design work! A few days a week, I have some gals in to help assemble orders.

Usually I have a late lunch at home, or I run down the street for my favorite sushi- then I get right back at it, and I usually walk take Mavis for another walk. She needs to stretch her legs too!

Afternoons are for illustrations and checking emails, follow ups, etc. Occasionally, I will sprinkle in a zoom consultation session. I love meeting the potential clients!

After I finish up everything, I head to the post office and UPS to drop off your much anticipated packages!

Usually around 5:30 or so, I head to the gym – it might be the only social time I get all day!

After the gym, I have dinner with my husband- feed Mavis and we are all three on the couch for some tv, a good book, and a glass of wine (for me)! We also love to unwind on our back patio and hop in the hot tub if its not too hot out!!

Since the early bird gets the worm in our house, I am in bed by 9pm!!